Have you ever sat down and listened to any voice speaking to you right inside your heart.The devil uses humans as medium to carry out his devilish work,he speaks also to you right from your heart,but only if you give him room to do so.Only if you allow him to occupy a space in your heart,little wonder Christ,informed us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit who leaves in us(1 corinthians 6:19).If the spirit of Christ Jesus is in you,the devil will surly fight you but at the end God always triumphs. You will always conquer the enemy because you are a conqueror (Romans 8:37)and Christ has already won the battle for you(1 corinthians 15:57).The human mind is the battle ground.....St Paul says,we are not fighting against flesh and book, rather principalities and powers (ephesians 6:12)
The voice of God speaks peace,the voice of God gives peace,the voice of God calms your fretting nerves,the voice of God is gentle,not forceful.He does not speak more than once,He warns you of an impending danger and expects to act.That voice that raises your hope,that voice that encourages you.That is the voice of God.It's always accompanied by an indiscribable peace and tranquillity
The voice of the Devil is always forceful,persistent,puts you under panic,it comes with fear,it makes you anxious,puts you in a dilemma,and then condemns you when he succeeds in misleading you.The devil may not be so straightforward in preventing you from doing the will of God,but he offers you many seemingly opportunities geared towards deceiving you.Do not give in,the devil will always create an illusion and put thoughts that seem to be true in your mind.Always stand up to him.Reject him and he will surely flee from you.(James 4:7)
Words to live by.