Sunday, 30 October 2016


The book of Wisdom, (wisdom 11:22-122).stated explicitly how merciful God can be to us His creatures...Though the whole world is like a grain..He never considers His greatness  over and above our minute nature rather He prefers to show us mercy.In our sinful nature and action,He never holds us in abhorrence. He never hates what He has created.Rather little by little He corrects us.He purifies us the way gold is purified with fire....He never abandons us even in our sinful life....He continues to be a true God even in the face of our unworthiness and unfaithfulness to Him.

God do not count our sins,He does not think of them rather what He demands from us is to return back to Him.....In the Gospel of Saint luke today (luke 19:1-10),We saw a man called Zacchaeus,a tax collector,a wealthy man,a man known in the society to have gotten his wealth illegally ....This man must have heard about Jesus.....and he said to himself I must see this man I have been hearing about .....He took the decision,he told himself the truth about his way of life....he examined his conscience and realize that he is a sinful man,....he must have heard that Christ shows mercy to sinners and never condemns them...He knew that Christ is seeking for lost souls and as such he took that bold step to search for Christ. ..And he was lucky enough because that may have been his last opportunity,because it was after that encounter that Jesus entered Jerusalem where he suffered and was crucified.

Zacchaeus took the postie step of searching for Christ.....when he came around the place Christ was,the crowd was so much that he instantly took the decision to go up and wait for Christ ....and scripture say.."those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (isaiah 40:31)...Zacchaeus was not discouraged by the crowd he saw...remember he was a shot man .he was discouraged by his limitations ....he went further in his search for the Divine...and to help himself he climb a sycamore tree....Saint August one stated..." that  God who created you cannot help you without you"....and the scriptures says.."Heaven help those who help themselves"...This short and 'spiritual curious'man was on the tree trying to have a glance at Jesus....eventually Jesus saw him....As we search for Him,He searches for us...when we draw close to Him,He draws close to us.....And Christ said to hurry my son,tonight I will be in your house to dine and wine....and the crowd murmured that He has gone to the house of a sinner to eat...

My dear friend,Christ is not after your sin...He is a merciful father ....His Powerfulness lies in His mercy unlike man who is powerless and full of mercilessness . ..Don not allow your sin both present and past to dear you from seeking God....The enemy will accuse you, remind you of your past....remind him of his own past.....the crowd maybe used to stop you from knowing the truth ,my dear friend never allow that. ...The crowd could be your immoral girl friend or boy could your pagan wife or husband...the crowd could be your wealth ,the crowd could be your work that do not give you opportunity to know God more...remember work to live and sustain life  but you don't live only  to work....the crowd could be that sin the you don't want to come out from....anything that blocks your way to knowing Christ  is the crowd,but the you can overcome these by Persistance in prayer....devotion to committed to knowing Christ..just like saint prayed"Jesus that I may know you....and the power of your ressurrection"

Did you notice that Christ never took notice of the mur

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