Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Pregnancy Is “Parasitic” and “Gross” and Kids Are a “Life Suck” How Did We Get Here

 Pregnancy Is “Parasitic” and “Gross” and Kids Are a “Life Suck”
How Did We Get Here?

At the beginning of September, several people sent me a link to a story about why so many millennials are refusing to have kids. I finally got around to reading it. Want a little glimpse into what the contraceptive mentality breeds? Warning: It’s crass and disturbing.

“Sex is still reproductive. What’s long gone is our embracing and rejoicing in that fact”. Christopher West

“The world kinda sucks”, “We’re poor as hell”, “Life is already miserable”, “We’ll ruin them,” and “We want careers, so sue us” were among the list of reasons given. But the one that struck me most, the saddest of them all, was “Pregnancy is not hot.” Under this heading we read, “Some women just aren’t into the idea of using their uteruses as a rental property, and they don’t want to be a food source for something that lives inside them. The idea seems parasitic in nature and altogether kind of gross.”

Zara, a 26-year-old, says, “I’m just not one of those people who thinks pregnancy is beautiful. I see pregnant women and my eye bulges and I feel grossed out by the whole thing. There’s, like, a person inside them.” Then she concludes, “The only thing I want inside me is a vibrator or 26 burritos.”

Wow.How did we get here?

The article itself gives a clue in its second paragraph: “Long gone are the days when sex was reproductive…” But that’s not true. Sex is still reproductive. What’s long gone is our embracing and rejoicing in that fact. In the modern world, we came to believe that happiness was dependent on the ability (in fact, the “right”) to indulge libido without the consequence of pregnancy. It’s not only that we’ve put condoms and diaphragms over our genitals, we’ve put them over our brains, and it’s colored the way we think about the whole world, the whole of existence.

Long gone are the days when we experienced the body, sexuality, and fertility as a “great mystery” to revere. Now we experience them as a “great misery” to reject.

By Christopher West


  1. Sad to say, but people are so selfish and immature. Selfishness is not a good "emotion" to have. Opening up one's heart to a newborn brings a whole new world of compassion, love, selflessness and wonder. Really people try and force themselves to believe the rubbish that having children is a 'great misery." Believe me, if they live long enough, they will regret their decision, and long for the mystery of a child.

  2. Your very much right.God bless you for helping to educate people more.

  3. Thank you for amazing post.
