Waooooo. ....You went to mass this morning? ....Did you listen to the Gospel of today?....The story of the pharisee and the tax collector....Pharisee and publican (luke 18:9-14)...Funny enough there names all started with "P"......Who sat beside at the Church today?....the pharisee or the publican....?..and who among this two are you?...."In the Parable,the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,God,I thank thee that I am not as other men are,extortion erst, unjust,adulterers or even as this Publican........Mark the words of this arrogant and unrepentant man....For him the only sins are these one he mentioned.....he forgot that pride is the worst of sins....he forgot that he is judging and condemning a fellow man...he forgot that judgment is meant for God alone.. (James 4:12).....This Pharisee fast twice a week,he pays his or her tithes...waooooo. ...he pays his or her harvest levy,he or she helps the poor....does charity daily....he or she helps widows and orphans a lot....what a great Christian. ...but he or she pride herself or himself as being so righteous and others are sinners....How is you judgment of that person who sat beside at the Church this morning....He or she may have dressed badly on the street yesterday,he or she may have been seen with bad companies all through the week,he or she do not go to morning masses,do not receive communion,goes to club,eat and dine with aclaimed sinners and folks in the vicinity.....But are these justifiable reasons to condemn him or her before God....Why do you abandon the self soul searching ,examination of your conscience ,remorse and asking for God's mercy on yourself to searching the soul of that person beside you and even passing judgment...?......How confident are you that you don't offend God or you have never done that before?....why are you being boastful.?....The scripture says " all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord and whoever says that he or she is not a sinner makes God a liar"(Romans 3;23,1John 1:8).
Accept that you are a sinner and ask for mercy...Do not think that by recounting others sins that God will count you a holy man or woman...In the scripture David condemned himself by trying to condemn the man in the story Nathan narrated to him (2 Samuel 12:1ff) but Habakkuk,Mary magdalene all sinned and asked for merry and were all forgiven….Stop justifying your bad actions and start being contrite for you sins ,show some contrition…..Stop judging others,stop seeing others way of life as a justifiable reason to remain in sin….Olivier,Denby,Debby,Morse,John etc is doing it,is not a good reason that you must follow suit...Start searching your own soul and leave others to search theirs and God will bless you.
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