Sunday, 25 September 2016

The poor is the treasure of the church

Even Christ said in "For you always have the poor with you"(Mtt 26:11
And Paul challenges us to "contribute to the needs of the saints,practice hospitality.
Then in 1 chronicles 29:12....God said "Both riches and honour  came from God.

Poverty is therefore not a curse.It also offers an ample  opportunity to the rich to reflect over there lives....The poor today also made the same effort made by the rich even greater but was not favoured enough....So do not glory in riches ,see it as an opportunity to glorify God.Do not use it to intimidated others...Use it to serve God and your fellow human being


  1. Padre Ugo,
    Please, can u explain why it's dangerous to mistreat people who trust God????

    Please, if it's possible with biblical passages.

  2. Zachariah 7:10 condemns oppressing the widow or orphan,
    Jeremiah 7:5-7 condemns oppressing the poor,alien and challenges a man to amend his or her ways so as to be blessed,psalm 72:4 prays for the vindication of the afflicted people.Isaiah 10:1-3 cursed those who enact draconian laws,proverb17:5 condemn mocking a poor man

    Read Ezekiel 22:7
    Amos 2:6,5:11
    Micah 2:1-3
